Sunday, November 28, 2010

Natural Logarithms

     On Thursday we had a "test" on what we learned so far in Unit 4 and we also learned about Natural Logarithms. Natural Logarithms were created by Leonhard Euler in the 1700's, Euler was also the first one to use "f(x)" when working with functions. Natural Logarithms have a base e rather than a base 10 of Common Logarithms.

     Natural Logarithms have the same laws as Common Logarithms:
     Division - Subtraction
     Multiplication - Addition
     Exponents - Move to the front
     Same bases - Cancel
     Change of Base - use e instead of 10

     Here are some examples of what we learned:

Expanding, Simplifying, Solving, and Evaluating Natural Logarithms - Questions 1 - 40

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